Submit a grievance or concern
To protect consumers and promote the quality of recovery housing, RecoveryPeople administers a grievance process in which residents, family members and advocates can submit concerns. Click on the button below to submit your concern.

In search of recovery housing?
Recovery housing offers residents a living environment free from drug and alcohol abuse and includes activities which support an individual's ongoing efforts at sobriety. If you or someone you love is in search of recovery housing, the decision can feel overwhelming. Need help choosing which is right for you? Check out our Buyers Guide to Recovery Housing.
Browse our directory of certified recovery residences
Needing help finding recovery housing for yourself of a loved one? Search our statewide directory for a recovery residence.
Do you operate a home for people in recovery? Connect with the recovery community nationwide by submitting your home for review and inclusion in our database.

Browse our directory of community organizations
Peer- and/or family-led recovery organizations often provide nonclinical recovery support services in one-on-one, group or outreach settings. Many facilitate and support community organizing, training, awareness or celebratory recovery events and activities. Some focus on advocate for recovery supportive policies and programming.
Browse our youth recovery directory
For far too long, young people have not been able to access adequate recovery support services. Developmentally appropriate peer supports are rare, as is access to treatment and supportive environments in an educational setting. Despite the lack of resources for our nation’s young people, there has been significant momentum in recent years to fill the vast gaps that exist in youth recovery support services.

Peer and Family Training
RecoveryPeople offers a wide variety of training and educational resources ranging in format to meet diverse learning preferences and needs. Online self-paced courses offer a high degree of flexibility, while traditional face-to-face classrooms or retreats are the most engaging and interactive.
For more information on upcoming in-person trainings, become a member today.