Social Model Recovery: From Philosophy to Practice

Social Model Recovery: From Philosophy to Practice was a speaker session at the 2015 Recovery Capital Conference. Speaker:
  • Greg Fabry, BBA, LCDCi, Director of Men’s Program, BRC Recovery
Happy Friends TogetherProgram Description: As healthcare reform unfolds and addiction treatment takes its place within a larger recovery-oriented system of care, the Social Model of Recovery is being revisited as a means of elevating and integrating peer recovery support and philosophies. From sober homes to Therapeutic Communities, the Social Model of Recovery is the foundation of all forms of recovery residences and is the precursor of addiction treatment. In addition to the six (6) domains of the Social Model Recovery Philosophy Scale being presented, real world examples of how the social model is put into practice will be discussed. Objectives: At the close of this session, participants will be able to:
  1. Describe the Social Model of Recovery, why it use decreased in the 1990s and what is driving its renaissance.
  2. List the 6 domains of the Social Model Recovery Philosophy Scale
  3. Identify examples of how programs can incorporate and increase Social Model Recovery in their community or setting.