In response to the opioid epidemic, Project HOMES will provide recovery housing to Texans with an opioid use disorder who have chosen medication assistance recovery, which is the use of medication assisted treatment to support them as they learn to live a life of recovery.
In support of the project, RecoveryPeople has been contracted to support 12 emerging MAT Recovery Houses by:
- Providing training to recovery house manager and administrators
- Providing technical assistance such as educational resources and medication assisted recovery kits (e.g. safes to help minimize diversion risk).
- Certifying the recovery homes to national best practice standards. RecoveryPeople administered the Texas Recovery Oriented Housing Network (TROHN)
The project is led by The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston (UTHealth), who will be:
- Evaluating residents in four categories: those men and women recovering from problematic opioid use living in a recovery residence but not using MAR, those using MAR and living in a recovery residence, community members utilizing MAR, and those in MAR also receiving external recovery coaching; AND
- Understanding how the culture of each home, as well as how the services provided and the camaraderie between the residents, impacts their outcomes.
The project is funded by the Health and Human Services Commission’s Texas Targeted Opioid Response Program (TTOR).
Project HOMES Participant Survey
If you have participated in Project HOMES training or technical assistance, please complete the following survey towards quality improvement.