FAQ About Naloxone in Texas

What is Naloxone?

Naloxone (e.g., NARCAN) is a medicine that rapidly reverses an opioid overdose. It can quickly restore breathing to a person if their breathing has slowed or stopped because of an opioid overdose. It works in the body for only 30 to 90 minutes. Many opioids remain in the body longer than that. It is important to call 911 in addition to administering Naloxone. https://nida.nih.gov/publications/drugfacts/naloxon

How can I distribute or administer Naloxone under Texas law?

Request a Naloxone standing order from the Texas Overdose Training Initiative at https://txoti.org/

Any pharmacy or other organization operating in Texas may request a free standing order to distribte naloxone. It also allows any employee or volunteer of a requesting organization to distribute naloxone without a prescription, and allows any pharmacy or organization employee or volunteer to administer naloxone for a suspected opioid overdose. Under Texas law, once you are covered under this standing order, you are protected legally to distribute naloxone to people who want or need it.

How can I order free Naloxone in Texas?

Individuals and organizations can order free Naloxone from Naloxone Texas at https://naloxonetexas.com/

Naloxone Texas is a statewide initiative that aims to end the state’s overdose epidemic through medication distribution, public awareness, and workforce empowerment. It’s primary initiatives include free Naloxone distribution and training in evidence-based strategies.

Why and how can I report an overdose in Texas?

For various reasons, overdose in Texas is under reported compared to other states. As a result, Texans get fewer resources than we should. To report an overdose, submit an form to Texans Connecting Overdose Prevention Efforts (TxCOPE) at https://txcope.org/

TxCOPE is a network of communities coming together to create an effective response to the overdose epidemic and impact of opioid use. These communities are made up of outreach professionals, people who use drugs, people in recovery, medical professionals, and scientists.