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Have you ever asked, When is insurance going to start paying for recovery services to 1) improve outcomes and 2) lower costs? The answer is sooner than later, given that the American Society of Addiction Medicine has added Recovery Residences to their recently published 4th edition of the ASAM Criteria. The Criteria is the nation’s most comprehensive guideline that is widely used to determine addiction service placement, continued stay, transfer, and discharge. To learn more, register for RecoveryPeople’s March 2024 PROSPER Learning Series, where we will hear from two special guests:

Dr. Paul Earley
Dr. Paul Earley has been an Addiction Medicine physician for 37 years. He treats all types of addiction disorders, specializing in the assessment and treatment of health care professionals. His professional expertise extends to advocacy for professionals before agencies and licensing boards. He is the author of three books and numerous articles on addiction and its treatment. His two most recent books are RecoveryMind Training and Recovery Skills Manual for RecoveryMind Training. He is a contributing author to the ASAM Textbook: Principles of Addiction Medicine, as author of the chapter: Physician Health Programs and Addiction among Physicians. He is a contributing author to the ASAM Criteria.
Dr. Earley is a Distinguished Fellow of the American Society of Addiction Medicine (ASAM) and has been on the board of ASAM for over 20 years in several capacities, and is the immediate past president of ASAM. With Earley Consultancy, LLC, he works with treatment facilities, providing training in treatment effectiveness and staff development.

Beth Fisher Sanders, LCSW, LCAS, MAC, CCS
National Alliance for Recovery Residences (NARR)
Beth Fisher Sanders has worked for over 30 years in clinical, counseling, and peer support capacities and holds licensure and certifications in social work, addictions counseling, supervision, and medication-assisted therapy. Beth has always had a special interest in recovery housing – in 1996, she founded HOPE Homes, and in 2011, she was the founding president of the National Alliance for Recovery Residences, an organization that now serves over 30 states and has become instrumental in creating and implementing national standards and ethics for all types and levels of recovery residences. Beth continues to serve NARR as the Standards Committee chair, in addition to serving on the boards of several local state affiliates of NARR. Additionally, she is a speaker, writer, consultant, and advocate regarding recovery, mental health, and continuing care issues.
Dr. Early and Ms. Sanders are contributing authors to the 4th edition of The Criteria and specifically worked on the inclusion of recovery support services. Join us to better understand how this can serve as a lynchpin towards great access to recovery support services as well as greater sustainability for peer and recovery organizations.
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