Register here for the next PROSPER Learning Series session.
Join us on April 11, 2024, at 12:00 PM CT
More than saving lives, recovery services save money. But how much money?! Researched-backed economic calculators help put a dollar amount to the cost savings or cost-effectiveness of recovery service, which is powerful information when negotiating contracts, pricing, and policy. At this month’s PROSPER webinar, learn about the pioneering work being done by Dr. Sierra Castedo de Martell and Dr. Shelton Brown, which is turning the language of recovery into a language the funders and policymakers can hear.
CE will be provided if you are at least 50 minutes in attendance and have completed the survey.
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Presentation Registration link: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZMtcu-rpj4tHNLiw1mAHTfzkKPweS0kzVyc