Join us on May 9th at 12:00 PM CT for our next presentation in the PROSPER Learning Series.
We are excited to have Eric Bailly with the Alliance for Addiction Payment Reform present on the Alternative Payment Models (APM). The APM was developed to help calculate the potential cost savings focused on substance use disorder. Value-based payment models are on the rise. How can this tool give peer and recovery organizations the edge when it comes to possible contracts with payers?
Register here for this and future presentations in the PROSPER Learning Series.
Remember to join the PROSPER network, and you will receive exclusive access to all previous recordings from the PROSPER Learning Series.
Registration link: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZMtcu-rpj4tHNLiw1mAHTfzkKPweS0kzVyc
PROSPER Membership link: https://recoverypeople.org/prosper/join-the-prosper-network/