A Psychopharmacology Guide to Medication Assisted Recovery Housing

Training: A Psychopharmacology Guide to Medication Assisted Recovery Rousing

As recovery housing providers adapt their policies to support residents undergoing medications for opioid use disorder (MOUD), they are faced with questions around whether to allow or restrict other types of medications and substances. This training provides a practical guide that will help providers develop policies and procedures.

Learn objectives

By the end of this course, recovery house managers and administrators will be able to:

  1. Demonstrate enhanced awareness and knowledge about the impact of treating mental health challenges in persons with Substance Use Disorder (SUD)
  2. Demystify attitudes and beliefs surrounding medications used to treat mental health disorders
  3. Explain differences between FDA approved and non-approved medications
  4. Discuss medications from an ethical, legal, safety and effectiveness perspective  
  5. Develop and provide rationale for recovery housing policies and guidelines for inclusion and exclusion of medications and substances
  6. Demonstrate how Shared Decision Making (SDM) tools can empower recovery peers in making informed decisions

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