Texas Talks Back: Recommendations from Youth and Families in Recovery

Texas Talks Back: Recommendations from Youth and Families in Recovery was a speaker panel session at the 2015 Recovery Capital Conference. Panelists:
  • Kristen Harper, Executive Director, Association of Recovery Schools
  • Faith Harper, LPC, PhD
  • Patti Derr, Executive Director of Federation of Families for Children’s Mental Health
TexansforrecoveryandresiliencyProgram Description: Texas Talks Back is a statewide survey and local Town Hall series that was launched in January 2015 as part of a SAMSHA-funded collaboration between two the Texas Federation of Families for Mental Health (TXFFCMH) and RecoveryPeople. The purpose of this initiative is to strengthen the voices of Youth (adolescence and young adults) with mental health and/or substance use issues and their Families in policy and program development at the local and state level and to enhance and promote a recovery-oriented system of care across age and developmental stage continuums. This session will highlight the current findings and solicit further input from panelist and audience members. Objectives: At the end of this session, participants will be able to:
  1. Lists the strengths, weakness, opportunities and threats to Texas’ youth in recovery from mental health and/or substance use issues and to their families.
  2. Compare and contrast the solutions and barriers to both mental health and addiction recovery peers and families across stages of development
  3. Identify strategic priorities and next steps in promoting recovery across Texas