Peer-led Recovery Community Organizations (RCOs): Promoting Recovery Across the State of Texas

Peer-led Recovery Community Organizations (RCOs): Promoting Recovery Across the State of Texas was a speaker panel session at the 2015 Recovery Capital Conference. Panelists:

  • Lizette Smith, Young People in Recovery
  • Robin Peyson, Communities for Recovery
  • Joseph Sanchez, Recovery Alliance of Austin
  • Mike Ware, Sober Recreation Committee
  • Christopher Araujo, Austin/Travis County Coordinator, Military Veteran Peer Network
  • Jason Howell, MBA, PRS-ToC, Executive Director, SoberHood/RecoveryPeople
Group of people running outdoors having fun Program Description: Peer-led initiatives, communities and organizations are changing the landscape of recovery throughout the United States, and Texas is leading the way. This session highlights the amazing work and rich diversity in Texas’ Recovery Community Organizations (RCOs) ranging from local groups to community centers to statewide and nationwide networks. Objectives: At the close of this session, participants will be able to:
  1. Define what Recovery Community Organizations are, what role they play in furthering recovery and how to get involved.
  2. Discuss the type and importance of peer governance and leadership within the organizations.
  3. Identify how Recovery Community Organizations are collaborating across communities, the state and the nation.